Wednesday, January 26, 2011

not interesting

I think that I have trouble writing here because I'm just not that interesting. Which is why I started doing this in the first place. I tend to think I'm dull. Not stupid. Just boring. I hate the fact that I am not a great conversationalist. I envy those who are. They seem to go father in life in general. Maybe I just need more self-confidence. Humph.... (this could be PMS, I suppose)

Stories for the day....

R keeps getting stuck at work taking care of the loose ends. I guess that's what he gets paid the big bux for, eh? Last night was especially painful. And being in the business, I could tell that R was getting robbed by this broker. (I wonder how many brokers it went through). R took care of the problem with aplomb. And he was in a pretty good mood at home, too! Playing Wii - The Godfather - hah! the Baptism scene. Excellent!

Big boy (B) had FIG Group today at the hospital. This year there are a few more kids. The group is at about 6 now. B seems much more in control after group. If he misses two weeks in a row, like last fall, he is all out of sorts. I got him a follow up appointment with a nurse practitioner taking on Dr. S-L's patients. I am looking forward to it, April 27. I'm glad I called! They are scheduling that far out - that tells you something - there's an awful lot of kiddies out there dealing with this. Big guy did NOT want to go to sleep last night! I've laid with him until he falls asleep since he was two-and-a-half. It's often a pain, but it gives me a little one on one time with him at the end of the day. He's getting to a point that he might not need me there anymore. That's good. Some independence. Or me doing less spoiling. I don't know. He seems to fall asleep faster with someone to burrow into.

Pumpkin (A) is something else! She didn't want to go to sleep last night either. (Prompting me to go out for some smokes and Bud Light! - shame on me) I hope there's nothing wrong more than she's just pushing her limits. Unfortunately, she woke up at 5:15 until 6:30 then conked out making it a complete and utter joy to get her going again when it was time. I have to get this child into day care. My poor mother needs a break! And Pumpkin needs socializing with kids her age. Big boy just shoves her out of the way (for the most part). My little girl. So different from her brother. Ahhh...

Book Fair at the elementary school this afternoon! Maybe they'll have calendars. (I need one or two for home)

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