Ahh. I was just telling my Mother to have Big Boy write some sentences in his journal and gave her the teacher's reasoning. It helps with fluency in the language and thought processes. Not to mention grammar and spelling. Kids need to be able to write in order to have success.
When I think about it, that's why I started doing this blog. Not that I want anyone to read it. It is for me to express myself. No matter how awkward. I enjoy it. I was not a good writer in school. I got fine grades. I made my point and had all the correct structures to essays, etc. I just never had the flow or the right cadence or something. I recognize it now that I read so much. Whether a political blog, Stephen King or a Nora Roberts novel; now that I see good writing, I know mine isn't. Maybe this will help. I am not aspiring to anything like my BFF and her novel. Which I haven't read yet - shame on me. Maybe tonight.
2/15/11 - no beers, no wine, no cigs... good day!