BB is being very aggressive at school (and home a bit) when he doesn't want to do something or he gets frustrated. I am checking into aggression and autism online. It looks like it happens a lot in autistic kids.
From what I see there are three ways to go about fixing this. Diet interventions, ABA Therapy or Drugs. I wan to avoid the meds if at all possible. Especially since Rob and Jimmy are pretty much against it. So - I think I will combine food and therapy. We will be going to one-on-one OT at Children's pretty soon. I will see if we can concentrate on dealing with frustration and calming aggressive behaviors. (Or else there's gonna be trouble when he's bigger!)
Trying to work with BB's limited repertoire of food choices, I am going to do some gluten- and casein-free food. Gluten is in grains (not oats, though, apparently) and Casein is in dairy products. I am going to try soy milk in the oatmeal. Maybe even try to find a gluten-free oatmeal. On the bread side, I am going to try a gluten-free bread. I'm pretty sure peanut butter is gluten-free. The problem is going to be the Wheat Thins and graham crackers. I'll have to introduce some other snacks. Maybe telling him that this might make his days go better at school will do the trick. I have to write a social story about eating and school and aggression for him.
The therapy option will be tough for me. I will restart the Triple P training and get though it and implement it. The bad behavior is the fists and the air-punching and the pushing/shoving/leaning when he's upset. His good behaviors are cleaning up after himself, doing his homework, being nice to his sister, listening well and following our directions. I have to reward those good acts, make some goals for him (with reward) and try to diminish the bad behaviors (with discipline).
The drug option is not one that I have considered in the past. Now, it's even a harder choice as I found out the meds are anti-psychotics. In pre-pubescent children? Eek - that bothers me a lot. Resperidol or something. I saw a long facebook post yesterday that a mother sent into the Autism Society's page. Some folks said it was heaven-sent. Others said it made them sick, made them gain a lot of weight or made no difference. I am calling the Neuro-Developmental department today to get an appointment with Carolyn Muja - his CNP.
BB's IEP meeting is Nov. 10. They are going to put some new things in place at school to see if they help. Social stories and scheduled breaks. How I wish I had put him in early intervention services at the school district. Oh, well - can't look back! Only forward. And my boy will be fine. We will get though it. I love love love him so very much. I hate to see him sad and upset. I want him to be happy and have friends. *sigh*
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